entradas dos diários de bordo de lá
Limerick, September 17th 2018.
Work with Jack Webb.

How to create something meaningful? Meaningful connection with the group and the piece ifself.
My body is my home. Something that I can hold on. Is the body enough?
Interest in time, time that had passed, time we have left.
The focus here is in-between. I experience what is in-between movements.
--> questionamento: o corpo é suficiente?
--> foco no entre (in-between)
Limerick, September 24th 2018.
Work with Jack Webb.

It feels like an apocalipse happened, and that is what is left. The beginning as a re-start, in this old body but with new weird shapes. Meeting another body and the chair gives me strength and some hope. The movements are dreaming, because I can't know what it is happening next.
--> concretude do objeto: cadeira/ do espaço
--> nunca parar ou chegar
--> buscar a concretude
--> espaço
Limerick, October 1st 2018.
Work with Liz Roche.
Re-criation of Time over Distance over Time. A piece originally create using Skype technology.

How to find connection in long distances?
According to Liz one of the keys was when all the dancers were together, record everything. Afterwards, Liz edited the material and the choreography was set with this edit film. The dancer's task was to re-embodied the material from this edit (also used edit tools as backwards movements and speed or slow motion).

We are re- creating this piece and it will be performed in a gallery. People can walk between us. The original films will be part of the installation.
How do I connect with the original material, learning it through a video? How do I read movement that was created a couple years ago in a different place?

--> recriar algo que utilizou da tecnologia para ser feito
--> lidar com apresentar no espaço fora do teatro
--> aprender uma obra através da tecnologia
Limerick, 2 de Outubro de 2018.

Sinto tanto frio que não consigo me mover.Preciso ir para aula, mas chove tanto que meus ossos doem só de ver tanta água caindo lá fora.
Essa semana tem sido muito cansativa.
Liz é uma pessoa intensa, recriar uma obra é difícil, entender a obra através do vídeo é muito mais. Estou fazendo o solo de Rahel, mas o espaço é diferente, duvido que ela sentia tanto frio quanto eu sinto.
Estou terminando meu TCC da Licenciatura. Agradeço a Ana Terra por me orientar mesmo com a distância. Mas que difícil. Parece que não sei escrever em português e nem inglês. Não domino nenhuma das línguas mais, queria que meu TCC fosse só o que está no meu corpo

--> estratégias para entender um solo criado por edição e aprendido através de um vídeo

Limerick, October 5th 2018.

"I am not sure that I am here or not."

--> anotações dos poucos mas intensos dias com Stephan Koplowitz
--> importante trazer para agora: "site dance: more accurative term for something that happen outside the theater"
--> categorias para site specific: será que eu me preocupo com isso nesta pesquisa?
Limerick, October 29th 2018.
The past three days with Stephan Koplowitz were so intense and opened my mind in so many ways that it is hard to start writing about it, but I feel that I have to, otherwise all the feelings and emotionals that these days impacted on me will be gone.
He is one of the most interesting human beings that I had ever met. It was visible how his mind works in a funny and really fast way, and in a really sincere way. Which he doesn´t need to be embarassed about, he just shares his toughts, and well, it is amazing just to hear about his life and experiences.
With his classes, I started looking to site-specific in another way. Before that I had some experiences, but most of it that were choreographed by another person and that I felt just boring dancing it. Well, I can them it was not site-specific category one, for sure, and I even want to come back and tell the person about it (but I won´t...).
So I believe I can say that I enjoy site-specific. The challenges and the possibilities. The power that a body moving in time and space can make, or lots of bodies. It is magic. It is political, and I am getting really interesting in everytime thinking more and more about the political presente that dance has, art has.
I have so many notes in my notebook, about life, site-specific and dance, about being a professional in these world. And even other things are so desesperating, I know that I made a right decision, I feel so glad to be here, having the chance to work with all these amazing artists.

--> pequeno registro da entrevista com Helen Poynor e Aniie Pfingst
--> no Light Moves Festival of Screendance
--> videodança e site specific? Relação?

--> reflexão do dia 11/02/2019 em relação ao que altera quando eu saio do palco italiano (ou o que eu penso que pode ocorrer)
--> vídeo feito em 2019
--> momento que estava entregando alguns últimos trabalhos do MA
--> questionamento: momento de escrever projetos e applications, queria dançar --> como conciliar os dois? --> sem acesso a estúdios, como minha sala poderia ser um estúdio?

Dublin, June (something) 2019.

I do have to finish this application but I just want to move.
I can't afford many hours in the studio, so this room needs to be enough.
I will use the camera to record and register it. Will I still remember every sensation if I don't record? Will every record keep my sensations?

YOUTUBE link: https://youtu.be/XGkjufmzzVM

Belfast, 25th October 2019.
Bernadette Divilly's workshop:

When I explored my own boundaries, I realized that I was placing myself in the borders of the group.

If I was doing the same task in Brazil, would I feel different?

--> entender espaço é uma forma de se posicionar politicamente no espaço?
Belfast, 26th October 2019.
Panel 3: Dancing Sites and Environments

-Rachel Sweney (Liverpool Hope University):
*"Migrating Gestures: Body Weather as a cartographic Practice"
*movement: space in-between
*climate change: silence of landscapes
*O'Gorman (2008): 'Can Your Jellyfish Sing?'
*"Tentacular"Moves from Individual Embodiment to the Planetary
*silent places
*working in the moment of body, environment
*questions of ownership
*body landscapes
*mapping the body
adaptative agent
*walking practices --> relations --> others (people) and to the site
*"we can do things together by walking that we can't when sitting""
*walking as a practice and walking as a performance
*"who is body? where and with who the body engages?""
*Rachel S: the body as a flexible agent
*argument: -putting the language as a negative barrier
-how "the body"is present, as if it would be the solution
*going inwards the idea of yourself

--> notas de uma conferência que participei que discutiram sobre as barreiras e fronteiras;
--> de novo SPACE IN-BETWEEN aparece;
--> me chama atenção hoje: espaços silenciosos, mapear o corpo
--> lembro que embora fosse uma conferência de borrar barreiras e fronteiras, todos ficavam surpresos quando eu dizia que era brasileira e aqui se deu minha primeira formação: o quando que realmente estas barreiras estão sendo questionadas?
--> como o conhecimento em Dança/Artes da Cena produzido no Brasil é valorizado?
Dublin, 24th February 2020.

"I am where I need" (Deborah Hay)
Todo espaço recebe meu corpo como se fosse onde eu deveria estar?

Dublin, 11th March 2020.

Estou me sentindo estrangeira em mim mesma.

-->momentos antes da pandemia/ ou já estávamos na pandemia?
-->em poucos dias embarquei para o Brasil